August 26, 2009

More painful to parents

We all know that when it comes to our children, we will do everything just to see them in good condition, with regards to their basic needs, health, school, etc. And it is very painful to parents to see them bad.

With Zyruz's health condition, the doctors wants to be sure what really causes his loud snoring and if it has really something to do with sleeping apnea.

The doctors recommendation is x-ray of the neck portion and sleep test.

Sleep test alone, in one and the only hospital who has facilities here in Cebu will cost us about 20,000 Pesos (or an equivalent to USD $415.00)

And we can't find that said amount to bring him to that hospital. We can't do anything, so far, as the economy is getting worst. The income I earn is just as enough for our basic needs.

It's so painful to see Zyruz in his condition as he sleeps. The chocking time, the untimely waking-up as he cries, as he cries for help. We can't do something to help him, but to make sure he will not again stay longer in that position. Only to put him on his sides. To monitor his position in his sleeps, and that's all.

So far, that is all we can do to help him. We have nothing to make sure his condition will get better or the problem disappears. Nothing, only when help comes.

August 24, 2009

The lighter side of Magiting

I came here again to share some of the lighter side of Zyruz. As you can see him in the clips, he is a very jolly, naught kid. And who can tell he suffers from sleeping disorder like sleep apnea.

We let him dance last night and see if we can catch some good clips. And he dances here, in the tune of "Nobody" by the "Wondergirls".

Please enjoy...

August 19, 2009

No more deep sleep with apnea

Aside from having light sleeps at night, to monitor how the child sleeps, one of the painful experiences for parents is to see the child sleeping uncomfortable.

There are lots of time you can see and feel that the child is uncomfortable while he is sleeping. He always move from side to side. He cannot stay in one position. You can compare it to the clock, who always in the move.

Worst, is when you hear the snore stops for awhile and then you see him as if was chocked. At this point, he usually gets awaken, and then he cries. And my wife usually gets awaken too. Or anyone sleeping beside him.

But what else can we do? So far, that's all, to monitor him while asleep.
To change his position if we feel he breathes with difficulties.
And have patience.

August 15, 2009

Monitor child while asleep

It will not depend on what time the child will sleep, daytime or night-time, you have to check his position. You should always make sure he sleeps on his side, not on his back.

Just like today when we took a nap in the afternoon. We all fell asleep so we were awaken by a loud crying voice of Zyruz. Though we are sleeping, we can still hear his loud snore. But suddenly, he cry out loud.

Maybe, he had dreamt or maybe he really had hard breathing that time. He's gasping for air too, just like he came from a long run.

But how can you tell a child like Zyruz, that he has sleeping problem? No way you can say he has until you see him sleep.

This boy is super hyper-active. He plays a lot. He always run, dance, sing, etc. He always wants to be with his mom at the backyard while she is doing the laundry, or will always soak his body in the basin full of water. He loves water so much.

Another day has passed. And this means, another struggle for a night of noisy sleep for him. Another night for me and my wife, to always check him, while he sleeps.

August 11, 2009

Sleep Apnea Treatment

To be able to relieve the symptoms of sleep apnea like loud snoring, sleepiness during daytime and to restore regular breathing while asleep, the patient can be treated with some of the available procedures and instruments. Though the doctors will recommend, it is with the patient to agree which is most suitable for him.

Some specific types of treatment includes Lifestyle changes, mouthpieces, breathing devices and surgery. As I search the internet, I could not see any answer if there are already medicines to treat sleep apnea.

Lifestyle Change

This type of treatment suits patients with only mild sleep apnea. Only some of the daily activities or habits should change like taking medicines that make him sleepy. Alcohol also makes a person sleepy so it is advised to avoid drinking such.

Overweight or obese patients has to lose weight. That would be a simple diet to lose extra weight. Instead of sleeping on his back, the patient can sleep on his sides to keep his throat open. Stop smoking or prevent second-hand smoke.


A mouthpiece may help some people who have mild sleep apnea. This is also recommended by doctors to people who snores loudly but do not have sleep apnea. Dental practitioners can make mouthpiece which will adjust the airways between the lower jaw and the tongue that will keep them open while his sleep.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure

CPAP is the most common treatment for moderate to severe sleep apnea. The machine uses a mask that fits over the mouth and nose, or just over the nose. It gently blows air into the throat that keeps it open. The air that is pressurized can be adjusted enough to stop the airways from getting blocked during sleep.

With the three types of treatment mentioned, snoring can be stopped but it doesn't mean that the patient no longer have sleep apnea. With improper use of CPAP or if the patient will stop using the machine, sleep apnea will get back.

Also, there are reported side effects in using CPAP, like stuffy nose, sore eyes, headaches and irritation of the skin.


This type of treatment could be the most effective way to stop sleep apnea, but also the most expensive and risky as the patient will undergo a major operation.

Surgery is done to widen the airways which usually involves shrinking or stiffening excess tissue in the mouth and throat which can be done in the doctor's clinic or a hospital. Stiffening excess tissue will be done a making a small cut in the tissue and inserting a small piece of stiff plastic.

Surgery can also be done to remove excess tissue or tonsils (if this causes the blocking of airways) which can only be done in the hospital.

For some children with larger than normal tonsils, doctors may suggest to wait for some time to see whether these tissues will shrink on their own as they grow, as this is common to small children and babies.

August 10, 2009

Types of Sleep Apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is the most common type of sleep apnea. It is caused by a breathing obstruction which stops the air flow in the nose and mouth.

Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) is a central nervous system disorder that occurs when the brain signal which tells the body to breathe is delayed. This can be caused by a disease or injury to the brain or a respiratory disorder.

So what is this Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea is a disruption of breathing while asleep. You can tell that a person has apnea when he experience choking or gasping for air while sleeping. It is somewhat the stoppage of breathing for 10 seconds or more. Pauses in breathing can occur 30 times or more per hour or over a hundred each night.

People who have sleep apnea usually don't know that they have it. Only their sleep partners can notice as they are usually disturbed by the loud noise they produces - snore.

The common symptom of sleep apnea is snoring. It is the sound that produces by the nasal passages when we sleep.

In addition to continuous loud snoring, other symptoms of sleep apnea, mostly in babies are:

poor weight gain;
mouth breathing;
enlarged tonsils and adenoids;
restless sleep;
excessive daytime sleepiness;
behavior problems which includes aggressive behavior and hyperactivity.

When someone has sleep apnea, his throat collapses during sleep, blocking the airway and preventing air from getting to the lungs.

Sleep Apnea can be fatal if not treated. It increases the risk of:

heart attacks;
high blood pressure;
decreased productivity at work;
decreased attentiveness at home;
sudden death.

What are Adenoids?

Adenoids are tonsil-like glands located at the back of the nose. The exact function of adenoids is not understood but it may be a sort of protection from infection, and people can live normally without them.

Babies are born with a very small adenoids. As they grow older, adenoids also so grows. When children reach 10 to 12 years old, adenoids should reach it maximum size. From that point on, the adenoid tissue starts to shrink on its own. It's during the growth phase that adenoids can potentially cause problems.

Enlarged adenoids can block a child's nasal passages and result in nasal congestion, mouth breathing or increased snoring. When adenoids block the nasal passage completely, they can cause sleep disturbances.

The best way to confirm the size of the adenoids is to do a simple x-ray of the neck region, which will reveal if adenoids are enlarged and how do adenoids block the nasal passage.

There are no available medications to help shrink enlarged adenoids. The only treatment that can be done is to surgically remove them.

Why Do Babies Snore?

According to my friends from myLot, snoring babies is not much to worry about, unless it is really too loud and disturbing. Sometimes it is due to nasal congestion so they do not breathe through their mouth.

Like most parts of their bodies, which are still immature, babies are noisy breathers in general. Their nasal passages are still narrow and usually filled with bubbly secretions.

Baby snoring is basically just a sound produced by soft tissues as air passes in. As they grow older, as well as their nasal passages, and as he learns to swallow excess saliva, snoring should subside.

Some said that babies' snore as they still have to develop their respiratory system and they still need to learn how to breath properly.

Snoring may also be due to the babies' facial and throat structure. Some snoring in babies maybe caused by an abnormal structure in their nasal passages. Enlarged tonsils also cause older people to snore but rarely happens to infants.

Some environmental factors consider for being a constant snorer is second-hand smoking or pollution or socio-economic problems in the family.

Smiles are back

On September, 2008, some few days after Ting had been discharged from the hospital, and still recovering from his LBM.

He was slowly recovering his appetite. Though he didn't like the taste of the oral dehydration fluid, we mix it with his milk. He likes to drink gatorade, so we also put in some fluid with gatorade, just to trick him.

He continue to take paracetamol to let his temperature at the normal range.

Slowly, he take more solid food without vomiting. He drinks his milk well. He can now plays with the kids, and already dances with them. Back to normal, at last.

One time, while my wife is feeding Ting, she noticed some white portion of his gum. As there were some more teeth coming out. And looks like there were four of them, coming out all together. This maybe the reason for his fever and LBM.

The Day after the Discharge

On Friday, August 29, 2009, Magiting manifested LBM (loose bowel movement) and vomits though his temperature is normal and his breathing is normal too. We thought that the problem with his health will be gone with the continued medication.

The doctor advised us to stop giving him some of the medicine with only to kinds to continue. She also mentioned the his milk and other solid food should be stopped while his tummy is being treated.

She mentioned about the milk. We can continue to give him milk, she said, but only that is lactose-free.

The stool should be collected too, for another laboratory test.

One medicine the doctor mentioned, was that of an anti-biotic. She advised to stop giving that one and had prescribed another one. She said that the previous one might be the one that caused him to loose movement.

Discharged and back to normal

On August 28, 2008, Magiting had been discharged by the doctors.

A lot of laboratory tests had been done to him. A lot of medicines had been given. A the doctors found nothing wrong with him, it's only that his asthma worsens.

At least, Ting is already okay. And when I come back in the evening from the three-day seminar in Iloilo City, I can see him back to normal. Normal as in the naughty Ting again.

Rushing Magiting to the Hospital

It was August 26, 2008. I was about to attend a three-day seminar in Iloilo City. So I have to prepare myself for the morning trip.

Magiting has fever at that day. And all the night, we were monitoring his temperature. But with the said seminar, I have to get myself prepared and have to rest.

As I was already finds myself sleeping, my wife pokes me and calls my name. Magiting raises temperature, though we never forgot to give him paracetamol. We can feel his difficulties in breathing. But suddenly, his breathing almost stop. We decided to bring him to the hospital.

It was already three in the morning when we arrived the hospital. I have to be in the airport at eight but I still have to see that they will be okay when I leave them.

My wife gave me go signal to leave. But of course, I can never be fine at the seminar. My mind will be left with my baby, though I'm sure his mom can handle everything in the hospital.

August 9, 2009

Do you snore?

I asked this question in one of the forum sites I have joined. I also wanted to know from there, if snoring is normal to one person. So here are some replies I've gathered.

"My dad always snores, enough to raise the roof top. I have told that I snore too, though I claim I'm not. My daughter snores when she was a baby and upto now that she is already nine. I think there isn't too much to worry about your baby, unless it starts keeping you at night"

"Don't keep worrying yourselves so, everyone snores, even little children, my cats snore very loud also my husband, so don't worry. I snore, too."

"Yes I do but not always. I usually snore when I'm too tired from work or too much stressed. Funny is when I wake up in the morning, I know I did snore. Maybe I could hear myself snoring in my dreams. I'm sure it's normal but if you wake up the entire neighborhood, that's a different story."

"I snore, according to my wife. I do know sometimes when I snore a lot, it wakes me up. I don't think it is normal and something has to be wrong and besides, it's annoying to the person sleeping near you."

"I believe everyone of us at one time or another do snore softly in our sleeps especially when we fall into a dream. However, there are constant snorers and usually loud snorer that usually disturbs their companion or even the neighbor. Sometimes, snoring might be a sign of a serious sleep disorder called sleep apnea."

"My oldest son snored when he was a baby, too. It turned out that he has "larger than normal" adenoids. They are like tonsils, only higher up. It's nothing to worry about, though. My son is already 27 years old, still has his adenoids and still snores."

The Loudest Snorer in the House

At about eight months or maybe earlier, we noticed that Magiting or Ting as we fondly calls him, snores in his sleeps. We were having fun at him as he snores. Can you imagine a baby who snores louder than any adult in the house?

Wife gets her phone and records while he sleeps so we can have time see review and so that we can also let other relatives see how he snores. No one who the video can tell that it was actually a baby that snores like that.

There was someone who actually saw and witness Ting in his sleeps. And she said that, wow, this is something not ordinary, he seems like an adult that snores too much. He seems he's raising the roof. He really is the loudest snorer in the house.

August 6, 2009

The Birth of Magiting

During World War II, the American forces in Bataan, Philippines, surrendered to the Japanese forces. There were about 70,000 soldiers marched from Mariveles town to San Fernando, in Pampanga.

The death march was a long line of soldiers walking under the heat of the sun, guarded by Japanese soldiers on both sides. Thousands died from disease, hunger and fatigue, while many of them stumbled and were bayoneted.

But it was also the time that Filipinos showed their courage. While the guards were looking elsewhere, they pulled out soldiers from the ranks and saved them from death. Quite a number of the marchers survived the death march.

That was April 9, 1942. And that was how the Philippines called this day, "Araw ng Kagitingan" (Day of Valour) a national holiday in the country.

But in 2007, one courageous baby boy was born in the city of Lapu-Lapu, in the province of Cebu.

He was named Zyruz Jayneil, and because of the holiday, we call him, MAGITING.