According to my friends from myLot, snoring babies is not much to worry about, unless it is really too loud and disturbing. Sometimes it is due to nasal congestion so they do not breathe through their mouth.
Like most parts of their bodies, which are still immature, babies are noisy breathers in general. Their nasal passages are still narrow and usually filled with bubbly secretions.
Baby snoring is basically just a sound produced by soft tissues as air passes in. As they grow older, as well as their nasal passages, and as he learns to swallow excess saliva, snoring should subside.
Some said that babies' snore as they still have to develop their respiratory system and they still need to learn how to breath properly.
Snoring may also be due to the babies' facial and throat structure. Some snoring in babies maybe caused by an abnormal structure in their nasal passages. Enlarged tonsils also cause older people to snore but rarely happens to infants.
Some environmental factors consider for being a constant snorer is second-hand smoking or pollution or socio-economic problems in the family.
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